Thursday, April 8, 2010

what a day...

I really don't know if today was good
it may have been bad
I can't really decide
but one thing I know for sure, is that today,
I am TIRED!!!!!!!

oddly enough I did sleep last night,
which I haven't any other night the past week.
but the kids were super active today,
one didn't take a morning nap,
and then the last half hour or so, they were whiney.

it was still a good day.
its adorable to watch what an empty room with a giant ball does to toddlers.
they run back and forth just because,
they run back and forth pushing the ball( that is taller than them)
they just stand their and giggle while the other one runs around.
its ADORABLE!!!!
garenteed to make me laugh and smile with them.

we found a new trick today of sitting them on the ball and rolling them around on it.
....that was pretty exciting to them.

then we went outside, and they found a rake and broom.
the broom wasn't as much of a hit,
but Henry pushed the rake around for a good 30 minutes(thats a long time, when youre 18 mo)
they played on the slide,
watched all the airplanes go by,
just ran around,
played with all the little rocks(which are always fun)
and they got chaced by me and each other,
which usually ended in a big flip to my shoulder and a huge smile and laugh from them.

so maybe it wasn't a bad day...
just a very busy one...
so maybe I should be taking a nap
they get to, i should to...
but I won't.
I will sit here and write this instead.

1 comment:

  1. busy busy bees... yeah for 18 months old.
    I hope your napping.
