Monday, July 26, 2010

pretend city

a while back i went with a good friend to pretend city.
it was a very funday
there was a lot of imagination
a lot of dancing and dressing up on the stage
a lot of water
and just a lot of fun
and then after we went and played at the park while mom did a photo shoot...
a very fun day...

OC fair rodeo...

well..thats what it was called at least.

not sure what rodeo they were talking about but it was still an intersting and fun nigh.

there was a toro totter

a costume contest

a poker game

and some other very interesting things...

overall it was a fun night with friends. now to find a REAL rodeo for us to go to, or at least as real as they get in southern california.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

some ramblings...

today just seemed like a day that needed some of my random thoughts written down.
first of all, there is hope for a house, or so I am told. I am not sure that my hopes are up yet, but I have been told that there will be an ansrew for sure by the end of the week...if that happens it could be a good thing or they could say no, and it could not happen at all...but im secretly hoping for the best and hoping there is an answer and that the answer is yes.
my paretns saw the house, or at least the outside and they seemed to like it which many houses they dno't seem to care.
school is unforuntately looking like its not going to let me take classes anywhere else so its getting more expensive, but at least it will be done. and i do enjoy the classes so it will be okay.
apparently, adam is moving yet again. im not sure where yet, but he said his only option means he can't keep Bear, which would just be sad. another reason im hoping to hear on the house, maybe bear can come live with me. he took my puppy while he could, so i could return the favor.
things are overall good. i was sick last week, but feeling mostly better this week. the kids are good. not sick anymore, we went to the park every day last week which was awesome, because its not looking possible this week with it being so hot. a day to sensory time was mentioned so that should be fun. maybe a day int he pool. and working the first official five day week, well four and a half technically but we shall see how that goes. it should be fun, not to much different. hoping to set up a play date with a certain someone in the next week or two, but gotta talk to her and parents first.
i love the book called lifes little instruction book. Abbie enjoys pulling it out once in a while, so i end up reading it and it is just fun. i love all the little ideas it has, and the fact that it tells me crafstman tools are among the best is nice.
i have a new project i want to try out, i want to make my own seatbelt purse. with "GOOD" seat belts of course, so they need to be from a porsche or Z. but im hoping to make it to pick a partin the near future to get them. i mentioned a square dance to our pastor and he said he would tihnk about it, my guess is he has already forgotten, but maybe a little extra hope for next year?
henry has some new words which are interesting sometimes, he can say wow wow wubbzy which is funny and cute, he loves the itsy bitsy spider song the last few days, and he attempts the motions which is pretty cute.
still thinknig about a wii, wondering if i would do wii fit for a long period of time, or get bored and not....still want a nintendo, they are just fun and a random thing to have.
so for today, im hopeful on the house and not enjoying the heat. but its still a good day.

Monday, July 5, 2010

world of color

oh of color is amazing.
i may be easily amused and entertained, but it can be hard to truely impress me, i just tend to have very high expectations i guess.
but oh my!!! wow is all i can say about this show...
I saw it friday night and it was GREAT!!! AMAZING!!!
we waited over an hour to make sure we got good seats, but strangely i didn't get bored, they have a little preshow to keep you entertained and the rest of the time there was enough going on to be okay....
but it was spectacular...i really want to go back and see it again...
the one down side is while i got a ton of great pictures...unfortunately the one i attempted of dumbo is not very clear...but it was still an amazing show...everyone should see it.

4th of July

for some reason pictures just aren't getting uploaded to the computer lately...but either way oh my what a wonderful day...

I love 4th of july, it has been my favroite holiday for a very long time. its possibly the only one i actually like.
everyone knows im not a holiday person but this one is always fun. there is alwasy get people, lots of laughter, lots of food, and lots of fireworks(ka-booms).

this year we did things a little bit differently for many reason.
because it was on a sunday we had to move the poile and firemand bbq a little later...but it was still very nice. the firemand came this year because i personally(with my mom) went and told them because last year they didn't come because no one invited them. so we made sure to this year. the cops were there to, but not many becauseof all the lay offs recently :(. it was a good mellow afternoon, we all ate and talked and enjoyed serving them. this year Taylor and Em came which was fun, we picked on taylor, and em and my mom had fun scopping out the firemen for me apparently, but it was all in good fun and a great time.
then it was home to get some stuff and then off to the best part of the day which is usually at our house but this year to make thigns easier for everyone we changed it up and went to lake elsinore.
i picked up adam on the way which was totally amazing, because ive been sad i haven't the last 2 years. so that made my day probably by itself but everything else was awesome too.
we played games, everyone together, just adam and i, the boys bonded over bocci ball and we ate a lot of great cream casserole is amazing even if i couldn't finish my piece, the 7 layer dip was great, adn perfect because i was craving it, and the usual burgers and hot dogs were yummy as well, oh ya and i really liked the pasta salad too...
then we split up and i went on an AMAZING ride up to the hill and we watched fire works just us, which was very to see 3 big shows and a lot of people lighting them off from their was great...
then back to the group for ice cream casserole...and then home for more fireworks and sleep...which was much needed after a busy day...

all i have to say is its alwaysa great day but this year was just AMAZINGLY better....thanks to all who helped make it a great day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 months

its been 3 months....seems like the last month has been very long...
its been crazy with all the family in and out all the time.
last week the kids were sick
and this week they have kroup.
so that has definately made it even more interesting...
no real schedule...
no trips to the park or anywhere else..
a lot more tv and movies...
but they have been fine. not insanely whiney or anything.
there are some new words but now its hard to keep track..
they both say bite which is nice, henry refuses to eat just about anything more of the time, but you kinda force the frist bite then he usually cooperates a bit better.
abbie feels horrible this week, i just feel bad for her.
they have both been sleeping ALOT !!! but being sick, and all the craziness lately makes them tired.
we at least have been going for walks most days so thats better than nothing.
they will both turn to me when they are scared which i like, makes me feel like we have bonded.
they will go to me when mom or dad is busy which is good.
they do not usually cry when mom or dad leave.
things are going well...and i think they will continue to get more fun...
henry is starting tartrums a bit early...but I won't acknowledge them, and so far they are not horrible so its okay..but he is stubborn so it could be an adventure when he gets older.
hoping for more trips to sensory time in the hot summer, and maybe some time in a kiddie pool because im told they love it. and who knows what other adventures...i just want summer over so being outside will not make everyone melt..
still love my job.