Friday, October 24, 2014

6 months in

well....I think I am a little crazy and he is a little lax.

life is overall good.
we have changed A LOT!!! around here

I got a new job in a new field
he got a new job
we got a new puppy
we tried to get a new loan on the house
we bought a truely lifetime DREAM car
he went on a weekend trip
I went on a girls weekend trip
and we have only been married 6 months...

but all of this happened in the last TWO months...

its a lot of change and it has definately been hard on us.
there is a lot, whether related to whats going on or not, it has been a lot of change and a lot of talking things through.

now we are working on a new budget to work with the new jobs and bills
we are working on catching up after buying the car
we are training and adjusting to a third animal in the house
we have new schedules for our work

but have to say, while it hasnt been all fun and happiness by any stretch. I think in some ways it has caused turmoil and made us talk which has been a good thing. I think we are both seeing things differently and working on being married together.

its been fun. its been hard. its been A LOT of change and new. but hey, there is one thing i still know for sure......I love him a lot!!