Saturday, May 18, 2013

maybe I am not meant to teach...

well....lets recap my teaching history....i went on many interviews and did not get offered a job. i went on an interview and did a trial and got compliments and was offered a job, then went to sign the official paperwork and got demoted to a substitute, then somehow the next day i was no longer going to be working at that school ever....then a few weeks later i got offered a teaching job...i took the job and did it for a year and it was quite a roller coaster....then i got "fired" or "quit" or whatever the heck happened i left the preschool. then i got offered a new teaching job with seemingly endless possibilities, i was considering teaching three year olds and was excited about kindergarden prospects...but then only 2 weeks into it, i find out the center i am working at is closing.

so the bottom line i really supposed to be teaching preschool?

i am really at a lose....i love teaching, i love the preschool age...i love nanny work,i love the personal relationships.........

preschool has a lot of limitations of what i love doing with kids,the risks of parents getting mad are great and therefore i end up holding back a lot of what i would love to be doing with these kids....

.....i am still in shock over what has happened at this new center....everyone around me is incredibly angry and working on things to take from the center and things to do in their new jobs and new places to work.....i am really in shock, i am indifferent...i dont feel it is my place to take things, it is not my place to be angry or to pretend to know anything about the company or what is going on......but i am somehow involved....

i hear vague talks of a church preschool opening close to home that could be an amazing option.....a director of a decent center that screwed me once seems interested in hiring us......i may be able to go to a different center of this chain.......or do i go to orange county and deal with the drive.....or do i go to nanny work again.....