Friday, October 24, 2014

6 months in

well....I think I am a little crazy and he is a little lax.

life is overall good.
we have changed A LOT!!! around here

I got a new job in a new field
he got a new job
we got a new puppy
we tried to get a new loan on the house
we bought a truely lifetime DREAM car
he went on a weekend trip
I went on a girls weekend trip
and we have only been married 6 months...

but all of this happened in the last TWO months...

its a lot of change and it has definately been hard on us.
there is a lot, whether related to whats going on or not, it has been a lot of change and a lot of talking things through.

now we are working on a new budget to work with the new jobs and bills
we are working on catching up after buying the car
we are training and adjusting to a third animal in the house
we have new schedules for our work

but have to say, while it hasnt been all fun and happiness by any stretch. I think in some ways it has caused turmoil and made us talk which has been a good thing. I think we are both seeing things differently and working on being married together.

its been fun. its been hard. its been A LOT of change and new. but hey, there is one thing i still know for sure......I love him a lot!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Newly Married

so I got married almost 2 months ago....its been good. sort of still the same normal. but whats funny to me is somehow the title of marriage has clearly made us both think about each other more.....there seems to be an almost constant check and balance between both of us, is this okay, is that okay. its been funny because really nothing has changed. we still live together like we always have.
its been fun. the honeymoon was amazingly fun and so many experiences happened.  it been great. the wedding was fun and simple and not stressful. we both made it through. there are some amazingly special pictures that capture certain moments of the day that i will always love.

so its been fun....married life is good. im a little crazy. life is definately crazy and still extra busy. its been fun. cant wait for more to happen.

this is my attempt at getting back in to blogging a bit to remember married life.