Friday, June 25, 2010

a little bit of everything

the last few weeks have been crazy and interesting. and for the most part good
the twins grandma was here for 3 weeks, she was cool adn helped with them a lot
for the last 2 weeks there grandpa was here as well, he didn't help much but he was nice.
this past week there aunt, uncle and 2 little cousins were here...they were a little much.
everyone was nice, and we had some fun.
tuesday we went to the beach...henry just wanted to play on the slide, and abbie never wanted to leave the water. she LOVES the waves and the beach.
unfortunately...we had other fun plans for this week but the twins got sick so the plans got canceled. instead we watched way to much barney(their unfortunate favorite show) and just kinda hung out at home.
today everyone is gone, the kids are napping and begining to feel better and im all alone and its kinda quiet and boring.....
work has been good...thankfully haven't missed any more of it which is good. sent in the application for the preschool hoping to hear from them.
outside of work i have been entirely to busy as well...
we attempted to have a bon fire but as usual ended up running way late so by the time we got to the beach all the fire pits were taken, so we had a bon fire at my house instead....we made smores and just hung out then went to the door for a was a good night.
i went to disneyland with colby to see dumbo in the fire works show....and we got some ice cream to which was yummy...but unfrotuantely because of the wind i did not get to see dumbo....
sunday night i went to the door for an early funday and got to play a lot of pool which was awesome even though i wasn't having a good night, but i still beat taylor twice, once legitimately and once because he scratchedon the 8 ball. but either way it was fun.
we had my dads birthday dinner and fathers day....both of which went well...even fathers day...but lucas was there and he always distracts everyone.
hoping for some goodgarage sales tihs weekend and hoping even more for a ride on the quad since it finally has new tires.
life has been is good, friends and family are good, school is good, my car is good.....its been a good and busy few weeks....and 4th of july is coming up!!!!!!

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