Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 months

its been 3 months....seems like the last month has been very long...
its been crazy with all the family in and out all the time.
last week the kids were sick
and this week they have kroup.
so that has definately made it even more interesting...
no real schedule...
no trips to the park or anywhere else..
a lot more tv and movies...
but they have been fine. not insanely whiney or anything.
there are some new words but now its hard to keep track..
they both say bite which is nice, henry refuses to eat just about anything more of the time, but you kinda force the frist bite then he usually cooperates a bit better.
abbie feels horrible this week, i just feel bad for her.
they have both been sleeping ALOT !!! but being sick, and all the craziness lately makes them tired.
we at least have been going for walks most days so thats better than nothing.
they will both turn to me when they are scared which i like, makes me feel like we have bonded.
they will go to me when mom or dad is busy which is good.
they do not usually cry when mom or dad leave.
things are going well...and i think they will continue to get more fun...
henry is starting tartrums a bit early...but I won't acknowledge them, and so far they are not horrible so its okay..but he is stubborn so it could be an adventure when he gets older.
hoping for more trips to sensory time in the hot summer, and maybe some time in a kiddie pool because im told they love it. and who knows what other adventures...i just want summer over so being outside will not make everyone melt..
still love my job.

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