Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what do you do

when everything is perfect but even scrimping there wont be enough money?
its amazing...
ive been looking for years for this oppurtunity.
Its a great school with a lot of room for advancment and not to far from home.
its the position ive always wanted to start in
its full time
the style of the school is similar to mine
the people there all seem really great and like they love what they do

but it would mean leaving a job that really cant be beat
a job that the pay is truely insane
that i like the family
that the hours are super flexbile
i get tons of free time to get to know people, to volunteer to settle into my house,
to deal with my puppy that needs some extra time to adjust.

but the bottom line is...
even with scrimping and no saving
Im $10 a month short.

While $10 isnt much its short of the ABSOLUTE minimum i need to live.

so without finding a way to make money from home...
I feel like i just can't accept my dream job....

1 comment:

  1. oh no....
    did they offer you the job.

    Seriously reconsider before turning it down.. especially without talking to you know who...
