it also has everything i wanted to make me happy while im has a great backyard, a front porch and a fire place. and it was move in ready, not a think needed to be done to move in.
the front has a nice front porch which will eventually have 2 rocking chairs and a table so i can sit on my porch. the backyard has a nice covered patio just big enough for my picnic table and hammock and more importantly it has two GIANT trees that im in love with.
then inside it has a room for a pool table, a good size kitchen for me, the bedrooms a ok sized but still big enough to be functional. and the living room has one of my favorite parts and defiantely what sold me on the house the first time i walked through the front door....
A FIREPLACE!!!! ive lived there i have discovered that the guys across the street work on cars a lot...its a bug, but they still work on cars, and the guy on the corner has a verypretty old 70's ish camaro that is gorgeous and just makes me happy. so i am so excited about what my move and MY own house.