it was just one of those weeks,
the kids were whiney,
they were restless from not being able to go outside,
we didn't leave the house 2 days because we had no car,
they were picky eaters,
not good nappers,
hard adjusting back from dad for 4 days
it was miserable hot outside,
i wasn't sleeping,
i was just drained after a very long weekend,
things with the house are not going well, or at least not moving forward,
my parents have been crazy this week,
jusst a long week where nothing seems to be working out how i wanted...
but now it is almost 67 minutes to be exact...
i am very happy for it to be done...hoping for more fun and relaxation next week.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
girls weekend
this weekend I went up to ojai with my mom, cousin, and aunt.....
we did it once a few years ago and it was a fun trip....lots of paitence but fun.
so this year we headed back and there was one thing that we knew we haqd to do when we went back.....

we did it once a few years ago and it was a fun trip....lots of paitence but fun.
so this year we headed back and there was one thing that we knew we haqd to do when we went back.....
we had to have strawberry shortcake.....we had it last time and ti is huge and amazing...and the fact that the resturant also has pesto sauce is just an added bonus.
we also rode am amazing place....I would love to stay there and next time we go we just might. my horse was really good this year, his name wasRocky. we rode in the "woods" a bit and up on a hill where we could see the ocean, it was fun, i was on a horse, there were cowboys....i enjoyed it.
we also picked blueberries that are apparently amazing...i did not try any.
but it was fun to pick them and there were so many more than last time which made it much more fun.
we also did a making strides cancer walk which was very was the first anual one walk in ventura county and it was a fun thing t oparticipate in....and amazingly everyone made it so i was very proud of them for finishing.
here are the 4 of us with our homemade t shirts before we started the was very cold that morning.
overall the trip was fun, but was also very very very stressful and required a ton of patience which is someting i greatly lack, so i am now out of patience for a while.
we also went to a great farmers marker and got some homemade breads that were great and some fresh strwberries that were amazing and soem salsa for my dad to try.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Fair!!!!
well there are only a few things i look forward to every year...and none of them are holidays or birthdays.
and last sunday i happen to go to one of my favorite places...THE FAIR!!!
i always have a great time, and always come away very happy and generally with my arms full.
this year it was an exciting month because i got to be reminded of it multiple times, which was absolutely amazing because i was reminded not the one doing the reminding so i knew it was important to someone other than me which was AMAZING.
then we got there and thankfully the drive there had no traffic, found a great free parking spot, got in easily no lines,...and then it began.
we wandered around for a while as always checking out the games and seeing which prizes we wanted. then we did out first play on the giant water prize game as we do every year...unfortunately this year wasn't as good as last year we didnt win the first time but that was okay. we continued wandering around to more games...
first he won me the moneky in a banana simply because that way i would have what my brother wanted which was cute and sweet in a weird way.
then he won a blue dog, then he won a husky that was adorable and who is now sitting in my room with the monkey...
finally after many failed attempts from both of us at the giant prize water game we simply watched and we noticed a trend...every time number seven we waited and wandered some more...until finally number 7 was open so i sat down and magically i won...yay!!! i got a giant teddy bear that was a lot of different colors, he is very big and very soft and now sitting in his room with other momentos from out adventures...i love it.
we also had funnel cake because we are at the fair and funnel cake is a must, we did include strawberries this was yummg.
then as always, not sure why, we got fresh squeezed lemonade in a special fair cup.
then we went on the giant ferris wheel with all of our new friends and it was a great night....
finally we headed home for a movie and was amazing as always..
and last sunday i happen to go to one of my favorite places...THE FAIR!!!
i always have a great time, and always come away very happy and generally with my arms full.
this year it was an exciting month because i got to be reminded of it multiple times, which was absolutely amazing because i was reminded not the one doing the reminding so i knew it was important to someone other than me which was AMAZING.
then we got there and thankfully the drive there had no traffic, found a great free parking spot, got in easily no lines,...and then it began.
we wandered around for a while as always checking out the games and seeing which prizes we wanted. then we did out first play on the giant water prize game as we do every year...unfortunately this year wasn't as good as last year we didnt win the first time but that was okay. we continued wandering around to more games...
first he won me the moneky in a banana simply because that way i would have what my brother wanted which was cute and sweet in a weird way.
then he won a blue dog, then he won a husky that was adorable and who is now sitting in my room with the monkey...
finally after many failed attempts from both of us at the giant prize water game we simply watched and we noticed a trend...every time number seven we waited and wandered some more...until finally number 7 was open so i sat down and magically i won...yay!!! i got a giant teddy bear that was a lot of different colors, he is very big and very soft and now sitting in his room with other momentos from out adventures...i love it.
we also had funnel cake because we are at the fair and funnel cake is a must, we did include strawberries this was yummg.
then as always, not sure why, we got fresh squeezed lemonade in a special fair cup.
then we went on the giant ferris wheel with all of our new friends and it was a great night....
finally we headed home for a movie and was amazing as always..
Monday, August 2, 2010
my weekend... that ive done some stuff for the kids, i think its time to tell you about my weekend which was GREAT!!! there are still more posts of what the little ones and I have been up to but for weekend.
so this weekend, i really had no plans. but somehow I didn't do much sitting around this weekend...
it started right after work with my mom and I heading to the bank to situate my bank accounts which somehow got my name taken off of them, we also applied for a credit card...hope I don't get into to much trouble. then it was home where Taylor was and he all on his own said " so we are seatbelt shopping tomorrow right" i was very surprised, i had only mentioned it to him the weekend before and he has a reputation for not remembering ANYTHING. so when he brought it up I was super excited. he had even made a plan of more than just seatbelt shopping.
so we woke up semi early for a saturday morning and headed to cars and coffee which is a fun place for us to see cool cars and generally just chat and catch up since we don't always see each other often. then we headed to my grandparents and got breakfast on the way. while there we cleaned up the garage a bit while waiting to sell soem wheels. then after that it was off to pick a part...or 2 pick a parts...we wandered around the aisles of half torn apart cars and unfortunately only found one Z and no seatbelts were in it. so it ended up not working but we will go back and hopefully succeed in finding me seatbelts for my goal of making my own seat belt purse(with some help from a friend). then we headed home where we talked online(yes we are weird but he was upstairs and i was downstairs, hard to yell that far). then that night I went and watched two little boys, 6 and 7 years old. this is only the second time ive watched them but they are cool and really fun. they are both "all boy" which is what i totally love ,so it was really fun.then sunday morning I got up and watched the new PBR that was recorded and then started getting stuff crossed of my to-do list. I cleaned my car: got the junk out, vacumed the carpets, dried up as much water as i could, got the wood chips out of the back, checked and refilled all the fluids, and dusted off the dashboard. then i did some homework which needed to be finished. then i got lucky and got a free DVD shelf off criagslist so i set up a pickup time for that (and can I tell you how excited I am to see the shelf full and in my new house, i really like it). then i went on an adventure to go pick up a wii. I have wanted one for a while but have always second guessed whether or not I would actually use it...but I finally decided to make the plunge when I found one for pretty cheap and I told my self that if I do not use it in a month, then I can sell it for at least what I paid most likely more. so we will see what happens. then last night I picked up the dvd shelf, filled it up with the DVDs i have and then got everything ready for this week.
overall it was a good weekend, got all my to-do list done, got some cool new stuff, relaxed, got to hang out with my brother, and it was just a great weekend....
lately life has been really good. I enjoy school. I love my job, and im loving finding things for us to do. I enjoy my free time which gets filled up with reading, movies, rodeos, cars, friends, and a lot of fun lately, everything has been amazing with a certain someone ....and just life is to get a house and it will officially be PERFECT!!
thats my rambling for the day...but i had to share my weekend because i really enjoyed it.
so this weekend, i really had no plans. but somehow I didn't do much sitting around this weekend...
it started right after work with my mom and I heading to the bank to situate my bank accounts which somehow got my name taken off of them, we also applied for a credit card...hope I don't get into to much trouble. then it was home where Taylor was and he all on his own said " so we are seatbelt shopping tomorrow right" i was very surprised, i had only mentioned it to him the weekend before and he has a reputation for not remembering ANYTHING. so when he brought it up I was super excited. he had even made a plan of more than just seatbelt shopping.
so we woke up semi early for a saturday morning and headed to cars and coffee which is a fun place for us to see cool cars and generally just chat and catch up since we don't always see each other often. then we headed to my grandparents and got breakfast on the way. while there we cleaned up the garage a bit while waiting to sell soem wheels. then after that it was off to pick a part...or 2 pick a parts...we wandered around the aisles of half torn apart cars and unfortunately only found one Z and no seatbelts were in it. so it ended up not working but we will go back and hopefully succeed in finding me seatbelts for my goal of making my own seat belt purse(with some help from a friend). then we headed home where we talked online(yes we are weird but he was upstairs and i was downstairs, hard to yell that far). then that night I went and watched two little boys, 6 and 7 years old. this is only the second time ive watched them but they are cool and really fun. they are both "all boy" which is what i totally love ,so it was really fun.then sunday morning I got up and watched the new PBR that was recorded and then started getting stuff crossed of my to-do list. I cleaned my car: got the junk out, vacumed the carpets, dried up as much water as i could, got the wood chips out of the back, checked and refilled all the fluids, and dusted off the dashboard. then i did some homework which needed to be finished. then i got lucky and got a free DVD shelf off criagslist so i set up a pickup time for that (and can I tell you how excited I am to see the shelf full and in my new house, i really like it). then i went on an adventure to go pick up a wii. I have wanted one for a while but have always second guessed whether or not I would actually use it...but I finally decided to make the plunge when I found one for pretty cheap and I told my self that if I do not use it in a month, then I can sell it for at least what I paid most likely more. so we will see what happens. then last night I picked up the dvd shelf, filled it up with the DVDs i have and then got everything ready for this week.
overall it was a good weekend, got all my to-do list done, got some cool new stuff, relaxed, got to hang out with my brother, and it was just a great weekend....
lately life has been really good. I enjoy school. I love my job, and im loving finding things for us to do. I enjoy my free time which gets filled up with reading, movies, rodeos, cars, friends, and a lot of fun lately, everything has been amazing with a certain someone ....and just life is to get a house and it will officially be PERFECT!!
thats my rambling for the day...but i had to share my weekend because i really enjoyed it.
so we have gone swimming a few times this summer and im sure we will more but some of the pictures are really cute so I thouhgt i would share them...
Penny Pickles
so in an effort to get out more we decided to go check out a childrens museum in temecula. we were pretty sure most of it the kids would be to young for but we wanted to check it out anyway, and they said that you can touch everything, and what almost 2 year old wouldn't enjoy off we went.
there really was a lot of things that were way over their heads, but they still had fun. most of our time was spent in two rooms...the music room and the "gear" room. Abbie loved playing the piano. and they were both mesmorized by a wall that was full of giant gears all turning together. and they enjoyed getting to turn some smaller ones themselves. they also enjoyed the glow in the dark room which was fun. i thouhgt they would be scared because it was so dark but they weren't. they loved the neon pictures, and they enjoyed looking at the pictures I had drawn on thier hands in highlighter that lit up under the black lights. over all it was a fun day...but probably not a place we will go back to for a are some pics.
what we did today...
well its been about 4 months since i started working here and its been good. we added another day of work, and we have been going out more and more...but today we just hung out at home after a nice morning walk.
here is what our walk looked like...
it started when Abbie said blue sky as we walked out the garage, and it led to...
seeing how many colors we could we found some green leaves, which they got to touch for some texture in their too...
We saw the grass because Abbie repeats grass all the way to the park half the time so we took time to stop and look at the GREEN grass....
Henry enjoys counting and will count to five once in a while so we stopped at the mailboxes to count, to which Abbie kept saying "more, more"
we played with chalk....I outlined them....we did it once last week and today Abbie came up to me after a few minutes of drawing by herself and said "Abbie" and so she laid down right there and we traced her again, she stood up and again said "Abbie". it was fun...we did Henry too....
who knew playing with corks could be so much fun. They have a few jars of corks and somehow it entertains the kids for a long time. you dumb them out on the floor and they enjoy putting them back in the jar. Henry will count them, Abbie sees whats on them and stands them up which I think is pretty good considering some of them are not very flat.....
Henry got a turn too...
we played in the sprinklers...
it didn't get much past them putting their hands in it today...
we played with bubbles...
sometimes its more fun to put your hands in the bubbles than to put the wand in and actually make bubbles

Henry made some bubbles too...
here is what our walk looked like...
and we saw some black, blue and white cars.
overall it was a fun little walk that got us outside for some fresh air and we entertained ourselves with colors and numbers......then it was back home for all of this....
that was our has been fun. they ate a good lunch, and then went down for a slgihtly early nap. it was a fun busy, relaxing day...oh ya we colored for a little bit to. to which Henry said every letter in his name when I pointed to it...he is doing so good with his letters, he seems to love them which I am really looking forward to.
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